Demystifying Load Balancers: A Comprehensive Guide to Efficient Traffic Distribution

Using a single server for you business, website or application is crucial. Under modern traffic, you server handles the requets just fine. However, once you website starts to receive high traffic, potentially thousands or even milions of cuncurrent requests, depending on your server resources, So the question is how to ensure that you site won’t slowdown or in the worst case scenario, system failures. Ensuring optimal performance and fast response times in high-traffic situations....

June 16, 2024 · Ridae HAMDANI

Troubleshooting Commands for Linux Systems

Processes View processes consuming the most CPU ps -eo pid,pcpu,comm --sort=-pcpu | head This command lists processes along with their CPU usage in descending order, showing the top consuming processes. Network Trace network route traceroute Traces the route packets take to reach a destination. List all listening ports To list all the listening ports, use “-l” flag with ss command. To list specific TCP, UDP or UNIX socket, use “-t”, “-u” and “-x” flag with “-l” as shown below....

June 16, 2024 · Ridae HAMDANI